Bake It!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ladies (and gents) I have to admit I'm not a huge chocolate fan, 
but I can't deny a great brownie!! So I have the best pinterest pin I've ever tried!

Kelly shared this wonderful recipe for us! It's really hard to make but it's worth it! Are you ready??
Hard right?
You follow the directions on the box except you only use these two ingredients!!
I tried it.... and they were delicious! 
Mine did not come out as pretty as hers so I will share her pic.
If you havent visited her blog yet please do... it's adorable!

One more "recipe" I love.

Lemon cucumber water!! MMM MMM so refreshing!

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Kate @ EduKate and Inspire said...

Ooo I bet I would love that lemon cucumber water! Yum!! Something new to try :)

EduKate and Inspire

Unknown said...

Mmm...we served this at our garden wedding last summer! DELISH! :)

The Learning Tree

April Walker said...

The brownies sound yummy
The Idea Backpack

Miss Nelson said...

Yum to both recipes. Thanks for linking up.
Good Luck!

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