Thanks again Michelle from The 3am Teacher for our amazing button!!
If you don't already follower her check her out {here}
I want to thank each and every single one of you that has participated in this first swap! I have been honored to 'meet' and work with each of you! I hope you all enjoyed your swap and I hope you will want to join us again :) Don't forget to hop around and check out everyone else's!
On to business:
I had the honor and privilege of working with Deanna Jump of Mrs. Jump's Class!!
If for some crazy reason you don't already follow her you definitely should {here}
Deanna is an amazing woman with a heart of gold! When I brought up the idea of this swap with her she had 1,000 things on her plate and without skipping a beat she made her list 1,001 things long :)
Just like everyone else did with their partner, Deanna let me choose one product of my choice from her TpT Store to review. I chose her Common Core Standards Poster for 1st Grade. She immediately told me that she would send me the posters AND her Essential Question Posters for First Grade. (see what I mean by a heart of gold???) These products are also sold in Kindergarten versions {here} and {here}
I was so excited to get to work! I've never taught first before so this was my first project to get me geared up!!
*warning picture overload*
As you can see I was SOOOOO excited that an idea of mine was a success with other TpT teacher/bloggers!!! Not to mention my partner is awesome!

These products are definitely worth your $$! They contain a lot of pieces!!!
Another shot....

Deanna Jump added so much in these products I needed to call in Ms. Jones from The Joy of Educating for reinforcements lol jk but she was a ton of help!!
Laminating at lakeshore is amazing! I laminated all of this for under $15!! Not to mention I got a free lesson planner! SCORE!
Now to my favorite part *paaaaaause NOT*

Please ignore my corniness lol I was excited about cutting the last piece!
OK... ok.... back to Deanna's amazing products.... as you can see EVERY standard card is labeled with the Common Core code (down in the bottom right hand corner) and you as the teacher has the choice of either I can statements or We can statements for your class (both are included :]).... as you can see I use the I can's.
Here are the cards that she threw in :) These Essential Question cards will be amazing this year due to the fact that we are a Project Based Learning school! These also have the Common Core Standard Code in the bottom corner!
I know that many of you use velcro, but I found these cutsie little guys at staples and thought they'd be something different and add a little color... not to mention it was 1/2 as much work as velcroing each and every card :)
Then of course I needed my handy scissors and crazy glue. (I used crazy glue because after laminating it's hard to get things to stick)
and last but not least an adorable patterned ribbon to bind with!
I set the subject boards to the side and my OCD kicked in... I had to make sure each ribbon was the same length....
and in the same location, hence the amazing hot pink yard stick! *note: not promoting dollar bank, it was free at a country concert* and yes I could have used a regular ruler, but remember I can from Kindergarten, standard measurement wasn't on the list hehehe
and again my OCD...
After attaching all of the boards I let it sit for about 10 minutes to make sure it wasn't tacky....
Jake came over to make sure they were dry... <3
Then I simply used my scissors to cut a slit for the adorable Klix that I was going to add.
and simply slide the Klix in....
Added a few standards to show you what they would look like :)
and it was love at first sight!!!
I also repeated these steps for the Essential Questions Product, but I didn't want to bore you with 100 more pictures :) I hope that this swap has convinced you to go add this to your cart (or at least your wish list) for this upcoming year!
Deanna has a ton of amazing products in her TpT Store ! Don't forget to check them out and follow her for upcoming products.
Common Core Standards Poster for 1st Grade
Essential Question Posters for First Grade
These products are also sold in Kindergarten versions {here} and {here}
Don't forget to check out what she swapped from my store!!
I posted my review. Yours looks great!
Thanks for organizing this, sweet friend.
Sprinkles to Kindergarten
I have Deanna's standards for 1st grade too!! My principal LOVES them :) Thanks for hosting, Jessica!
T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)
This was fun Jessica! Thank you for hosting! :)
Crayons and Curls
I bought mrs. Jump's standards for Kindergarten and have them all laminated....I love the clip idea! That would save me time and money with the velcro dots. I am going to go and check those out! Thanks for sharing!
Why did I never think to cut the ribbon into pieces before gluing?!?! Think of all the ribbon I wasted!!!
I love the pictures :)! Thanks for all of your hard work on the successful product swap!
This was such an amazing idea and it looks like it is a great success so far :) Thanks for organizing this. I had a ton of fun. Your review is great!!!
My (Not So) Elementary Life
Love reading all the blog swap reviews. What a great idea. I am kind of new to Teachers pay Teachers and blogging so didn't have much to swap but really hoping you do this again in the future so I can join.
Thanks for hosting. I had so much fun with this!
The Science Penguin
Thanks for setting all of this us Jessica! Lot of work for you and we all really appreciate it!
I don't think I can make that "excited" face after cutting miles and miles of paper and lamination. Great job on your swap post! Let me know about the next one. I'd love to join in!
Maggie’s Kinder Corner
Jessica, you did an incredibly great job putting all of this together. You should feel very proud! I am loving all these products that are being showcased. Fun, fun, fun!
Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter
Thanks for all of your work on this Jessica. I'm excited for it to continue!
I just found your blog through facebook! I'm so excited - what a great idea to do a product swap!
Thanks for sharing!
Second Grade Sparkle
Thank you, Jessica, for putting all of this together!!
Conversations in Literacy
Just linked up. Thanks again for hosting this swap; it's a great idea! I enjoyed reading your review and how you always manage to throw in your own brand of humor. Love it!
Primarily Speaking
Great idea about the swap! I enjoyed it!
I love how your cat helps. Mine does too. I used Deanna's cards, too. I posted mine differently, by sliding them into sheet protectors and hanging the sheet protectors up with magnets on my white board. You can see what one looks like on my blog.
And I'm your newest follower.
Totally Terrific Teaching
Thanks for putting this all together, Jessica! I'm sure that it was no easy task. What a great idea to connect bloggers!
Primary Reading Party
Thanks again for organizing all of this! It is such a wonderful idea!....and now off to look at all of the reviews!
The Second Grade Superkids
Sweet Jessica:
Thanks for working so hard to pull this together. It looks like everything fell into place perfectly! And I had lots of fun reviewing--and then reading lots of reviews! Good job, BlogFriend!
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
Jess . . . you are a rock star! Thanks for putting this together. I am already signed up for the next round!
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
Thank you so much Jessica for hosting this great swap! I had a lot of fun participating in it & seeing all of the posts & products. I also signed up for the next one! Can't wait! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
What a great idea! I wish I had seen it earlier so I could have participated :)
What a fun review post! How in the world did I miss out on seeing this swap?!? Rats! Oh, well..maybe next time!
Primary Inspired
Thank you for hosting this. It was a lot of fun, and I am looking forward to the next one! My wishlist is GROWING!
Reading Toward the Stars!
Jessica, Thanks for organizing all this, it was great fun to see everyone's products! It was also a nice chance to see people's cats (mine is always poking around when I cut laminated stuff!) and people's kids and relatives using the products! I'd do this again in a heartbeat!
Sally from Elementary Matters
I bought this at the end of the year and haven't put it together yet. Thanks to you, I have some time and material saving ideas. Thanks!
Stephanie McMahon
First Grade Fingerprints
I think this is such a GREAT idea! Sometimes those thumbnails don't give you enough information if you want to purchase a product. But this way it really explains the products. I now have a million things on my wishlist.
The Hive
Thank you for hosting this product swap! It was a lot of fun:)
Kinder Alphabet
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