You Might Be a Teacher If...

Monday, July 30, 2012
I'm joining the adorable Tanya in her newest linky!!

You Might Be a Teacher If... your purse is stuffed full of these rather than $$$....

 You Might Be a Teacher If... ideas like this make your heart skip a beat...
**Check Back Wednesday to see a TON of amazing TPT products from over 100 teachers!!**

You Might Be a Teacher If... you can't even sleep on a flight because you're planning...

You Might Be a Teacher If...the DonorsChoose website is your homepage :)

You Might Be a Teacher If... Skippyjon Jones is the reason you visited Kohls...

You Might Be a Teacher If... this is the first font you create for your TpT store...

You Might Be a Teacher If... this is your dream to have...

You Might Be a Teacher If... a trip to target looks like this...
 and this...
 You Might Be a Teacher If... a paper transformed from this to that is a hidden joy in your life!
 You Might Be a Teacher If... new technology like this makes you giggle like a schoolgirl!
 You Might Be a Teacher If... your smile is this big because laminating at lakeshore is only .29 cents!!
 You Might Be a Teacher If... you see tablecloths 1/2 off and you have 1,000,001 ways that you know you can use it!

Last but not least...

You Might Be a Teacher If... this quote makes your day!

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~brookeb~ said...

Love it :)
Teachable Moments

Stacy said...

Your list is right on point. My laminator still makes me smile.

✰ Stacy

Simpson Superstars

Carmen said...

What a great list... A trip to target always looks like that for me!

Unknown said...

Love your list! I'm glad I'm not the only one finding random stuff and getting SOOOOO excited because "oooh I can use those for math!!!"
Rowdy in Room 300

Andrea Crawford said...

I so wish our Target had those cut outs of Dr. Seuss stuff. I have my mom on the lookout for them for me.

So much fun!
Reading Toward the Stars!

Anonymous said...

Love your true and so funny! I see you bought a laminator! I love mine!

Positively Learning said...

I couldn't have said it better!
I especially loved the Kohls comment! My last Target run looked exactly the same. I bought all those Dr. S containers that are probably for sandwiches, but will be holding manipulatives and cards. I also ♥ my laminator!

Taylor said...

O my gosh!! I love this! We don't have a LakeShore and the store we do have is $1.00 for laminating so that make me sad!
BakingCraftingTeaching Oh My!

Lisa R. said...

You are so right on all of the above!!! I can't get enough of Target & my big Kohl's purchase of the summer was also those Skippyjon Jones books. My laminator is also my new best friend right now. :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure

Michelle at VolusiaHeart4Kids said...

LOL This post made me smile, giggle, and warmed my heart! Teachers rock!


The Daily Alphabet said...

I love that quote, it's the homepage on my iPad! I'm also quite jealous that you have a Lakeshore that you can physically go to!!

The Daily Alphabet

Diving Into Learning said...

I just bought my laminator today! I tested it out a little bit tonight and I can't wait to really use it later this week :) I have a feeling that I'm going to love having my own laminator.

I also visited Kohls just to get Skippyjon Jones.

Diving Into Learning

Tanya Dwyer said...

*LOVE* it, Jessica! I'm heading back to Target for the little Suess bags for student's to carry their guiding reading book home each night. Great finds! Thanks for linking up!

I'm looking forward to Wednesday! :-)

A+ Firsties

Barbara L said...

Love everything, but especially the quote!

Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Amanda said...

Do you think the laminator is worth the money? I have picked it up and turned it around every single time I've visited Target this summer, but I can't convince myself to buy it...what do you think?


Surviving the First Year

KR said...


What are you using the polka dot baskets for?


Jackie said...

Love the quote! And I'm so excited for the Product Swap today!


Third Grade's A Charm

MRs hodge said...

I LOVE that your shopping trip to Target looks like mine! I always get sucked in at the dollar spot!

I'm your newest follower,
Mrs. Hodge and Her Kindergarten Kids

Creative Undertakings said...

Aww I love all your 'you might be a teacher if...' and yes definitely to the laminating making me gleeee. Bought my own recently and I LOVE it!

Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

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